I am Mog Anarchy, and I like to play games. Whether they are old, new, retro, modern, online, offline, console, computer, critically acclaimed or notoriously bad. Here on my blog, I rant about, review, trash talk, praise and generally talk about all of my favourite and least-favourite games. I also write my own guides on how to accomplish tricky tasks, show off my creative endeavors and challenge myself with crazy in-game tasks. I also have a bunch of gaming merchandise which I am glad to show off. So drop me a comment, I love hearing your questions, criticisms, comments and general gaming discussions. :)


Miiverse Code Of Conduct: The Strangest Guideline Ever?

So as I said in my last post, I've had a few posts on the Miiverse taken down because I wrote a link to my blog in them - thus I've become very bitter and twisted and started reporting any other posts I see with web links or YouTube profiles or whatever in them. 

So I decided to review the Miiverse Code Of Conduct to see exactly WHERE it said this - and I came across a very strange rule; one that I've never seen on Xbox Live guidelines, forum rules and general online gaming and social platforms. It was something along the lines of:


Seriously, WTF?

Not that I would, but we're not allowed to mention puke or poop? Well I had a good long trawl through the Earthbound community - because when I think of vomit in video games, I think of this guy:

This is Master Belch (later known as Master Barf) from Earthbound - an animated, talking, evil pile of VOMIT. So Nintendo, are us members of the Earthbound community not allowed to discuss tactics or opinions of this guy because he's a pile of sick?

As for "excrement" - there's tons of stuff, namely things like Conker's Bad Fur Day, No More Heroes, Banjo-Kazooie... Or even someone proclaiming "this game is crap", or "this game is the shit!" - are THESE against the community guidlines, Nintendo?

Fair enough, I can disagree with someone writing a huge in-depth description of the dump they took on Boxing Day, complete with its texture, scent and taste, no doubt was filled with pieces of turkey stuffing, mixed nuts and Christmas Cake - and probably smelled of Brussels sprouts - but where do we draw the line?


Everything WRONG With The Legend Of Zelda: Wind Waker HD

I got a Wii U for Christmas. :)
I got the awesome Wind Waker HD premium pack. 
However, what is not so awesome is the fact that the fucking game was a download code and not a disc copy - and due to the fact that all the other dipshits who got Wii Us for Christmas were clogging up the servers, it took me TWO FUCKING HOURS to get my account set up, all the updates and bullshit and THEN download the game because I kept getting shitty ERROR MESSAGES. (I wasn't the only one - my big brother Ian, who also got a Wind Waker HD Wii U had the same problem.)

So EVENTUALLY, I got the game and started playing it. And I've come to the conclusion that there are three types of people who play The Legend Of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD.

1) People who played the game on the GameCube 
2) People who played the fuck out of the game on the GameCube, collected everything, finished all of the sidequests and probably finished the game about 10 times
3) Total fucking RETARDS

(I'll let you figure out which category I am in.)

I was 12 when I first played the Wind Waker - I only wasn't younger because that's how old I was WHEN IT CAME OUT - so the people who I'm about to rag on have NO excuse. They can't say: "durrr dude, I'm only 12 innit" - WELL SO WAS I. When I finished the game WITHOUT using any internet help or help from the fucking ridiculous MIIVERSE. 

One of the things I liked best in the original Wind Waker game was the TINGLE TUNER. The Wii U gamepad seemed like the perfect opportunity to bring it back. But NO - you get the opportunity to take fucking Link SELFIES and post them to other braindead fuckholes! I've turned off the Tingle bottles for two reasons: 

1) All three of my awesome posts including COLOUR photographs of boss monsters got removed by administrators because I included a link to my amazing blog you are currently reading. Why? Because apparently it violates the code of conduct. HOW THE FUCK DOES IT? IT'S A FUCKING BLOG! It's not like I'm linking 12-year-olds to fucking www.cakefarter.com or something. (If you are 12, I advise you not to click on that link. :P)

2) Everyone who does post on it is a TOTAL and UTTER FUCKING RETARD.

I'll give you some examples:

Example 1:
"Durrr, help me, I've run out of bombs!"

Errr... USE YOUR FUCKING BOOMERANG. I finished the game, killing every single Octo ONLY using the boomerang! 

Example 2:
"Durrrr, how do you get the colour Pictobox?"

USE YOUR FUCKING BRAIN. In the original game, you had to go to the Forest Haven and catch a forest firefly - And 2003 audiences worked this out fine by themselves! 2013 audiences have had this part of the quest totally removed and now get it for half of the fucking effort by simply doing Lenzo's tasks - which were also required in the last game WITH the firefly! Everyone on Windfall Island talks about Lenzo, the PHOTOGRAPHER. Lenzo the PHOTOGRAPHER who lives in the building with a big PICTOBOX outside above the door? For FUCK'S sake!

Example 3:
[This was a picture of the bombs stuck in the wall in the Dragon Roost Cavern]
"Durrrr I'm stuck!"

OMFG. I worked this one out when I was 12 within fucking SECONDS. There's a big pile of fucking rocks next to the bombs - THROW ONE AT THEM. It's not fucking difficult!

Example 4:
"Durrr, I can't find the Ghost Ship!"
(Yes, I know this person actually HAS found the Ghost Ship...)

Are you fucking serious? I worked this one out on my own when I was 12 too. YOU HAVE A CHART. WITH PICTURES OF ISLANDS ON IT. AND PICTURES OF MOONS ON IT. Are you sure you're not in some sort of support base at school? 

Sometimes, (and by "sometimes" I mean like 1 post out of every 200) someone does post something genuinly funny, like this:
But most of the time, it's just a slew of fucking crap - so I've turned the bottles off. I have a habit of collecting ANYTHING that's sparkly and nice, so I'd rather not be collecting bullshit. 

I have some other qualms with Wind Waker HD too...

1) Why the fuck do we have a TARGET under us when we use the Deku Leaf? 2003 audiences didn't, and we managed just fine!

2) Why can't you doodle on the sea chart? This would have been an amazing feature - I like to take notes if there's a place you can come back to - and it's not like this hasn't ever been done in a fucking Zelda game with a touchscreen before.... 

3) WHY did you fuck up the Pictobox quest? You actually made it EASIER and we still have retards whinging about it!

4) Why the fuck have you made the Magic Armour use rupees instead of err... MAGIC? You could have a fucking stash of 5000 rupees and use your armour for fucking HOURS - we 2003 audiences had a limit on our sneaky dirty armour use. 

5) Why did you fuck about with the Triforce chart quest? I mean COME ON, if you're going to change shit, at least put the shards in a DIFFERENT place to where the charts were!

6) Why did you make the Forest Water last 30 minutes instead of 20? We 2003 audiences managed to do the sidequest with a 20 minute time limit!

7) Why the FUCK did you replace the Tingle Tuner with this Link selfie-Tingle bottle CRAP?!

(However there are a few things I DO like about the HD update...)
1) Hero Mode: I did the 3-heart challenge on the original game, so this was an amazing new idea...
2) Fast Sail: This thing is an absolute BABE!
3) Pictobox capacity: Previously, it only held 3 photos, now it can hold 12 - always a plus...
4) And a HD remake in general: I have an excuse to play my favourite Zelda game again, in HD! (Though HD cel-shaded graphics doesn't REALLY change much....)


Hot Skitty On Wailord Action: My Thoughts

I love Pokémon games - I've been a fan since the late 90s - my awesome cousin Mark knew that I loved games and I was going away on holiday. So that I wouldn't be bored, he lent me his original Game Boy and a copy of Pokémon Blue - AND LET ME START MY OWN SAVE. How fucking amazing is THAT? Following that, I quickly invested in my own copy of the game and a Game Boy of my own and from then on I bought every new installment of the Pokémon games and was a diehard fan, up until around 2011 when the 5th generation came out. (As I've previously mentioned, I refuse to play any Pokémon game released after Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver.) 

I love Pokémon memes and funny comics - one of my favourites is HOT SKITTY ON WAILORD ACTION. 
For those who aren't familiar - Pokémon Gold & Silver introduced a breeding mechanic in which you could leave a pair of Pokémon at the daycare centre and if they were a compatible breeding group (and one was male, one was female or one was a Ditto), you could breed baby Pokémon that hatched from eggs. When the 3rd generation came along (Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald), a very amusing breeding pair was discovered - Skitty and Wailord. This is hilarious due to the fact that Wailord is over 40" long and Skitty is around the size of a small house kitten, about 2". 

Of course, everyone thinks that Skitty is the bitch of the huge Wailord - this being the female Skitty/male Wailord scenario - I prefer this idea:
Skitty is a dominatrix. Many men like to be dominated by women who are smaller than them, and I think that Skitty would fit this bill splendidly. I hope I've implanted terrible thoughts into your brains with my amazing MS Paint skills. :P


Animal Crossing: New Leaf - A Hilarious Pikachu Photoboard

One of my favourite new features of Animal Crossing: New Leaf is the Dream Suite - I love being able to visit other towns without actually having to go through the whole faff of friend codes and dodgy Wi-Fi connections. It's also immensely satisfying to run haphazardly through some smug twat's flowerbeds of golden roses, watching the dead petals flying all around behind my character's feet.

The only thing I don't like is the pyjamas - my character looks like me, and thus wears big emo glasses - she doesn't wear them in the Dream Suite. If that was me, I wouldn't even be able to SEE the bloody golden roses to trample all over.

I also like visiting the Dream Suite so I can see how other people have organised their towns, what public works projects they've built and if they've  managed to draw some creative flags/signs/photoboards. I often sit there rather envious at the awesome stuff people have managed to draw on that awkward, fiddly little screen. Sometimes however, I find something piss funny, like this:
This is some dude's attempt at a Pikachu photoboard - it made me ROFL out loud. But random dude, I applaud your efforts and thank you for giving me a chuckle. :)

I'll soon be uploading my Dream Code somewhere on this blog (once I've gotten my town EXACTLY how I want it, that is) - and if you want me to visit your town and criticise your photoboards, just drop me an e-mail or leave me a comment below. :)

(I didn't even design my own photoboard... I nicked it from a QR code site...)


1990s Nostalgia: Super Mario Kart Ride

I'm a child of the 1990s - born in 1991 I was brought up with the Mega Drive during the early 90s and the PlayStation in the last few years of the 90s. Back then, arcades and amusements on the seafronts of practically every British seaside town was packed to the brim with great arcade game machines and lots of little rides for younger kids that usually cost around 20p per ride. As I kid I loved these; in Scarborough there was even a miniature Ferris wheel that lifted you up about 6 foot in the air sitting in a little metal seat.

Looking through some old photographs (you know, REAL photographs that were developed in a proper camera shop which took like a WEEK), I found this gem:

I'm guessing this photo was taken around 1995-1996, so it's likely that this ride was made around the same time as Super Mario Kart on the SNES. I didn't have a SNES as a child; but my big brother Ian did. (I actually didn't own my own SNES until I was 21.) How much do you suppose one of these rides would sell for online now? It's an official Nintendo one too - look at the massive seal on the front!

Children nowadays are so deprived of life's simple pleasures that we were all brought up with. I know these sort of rides still exist, but they take the piss - most of them cost upwards of 50p or even £1! Some of the rides I used to go on, you could get SEVERAL goes on it for 20p!


Gamer's Wardrobe: "I Cried When Aeris Died" Custom T-Shirt

Hey dudes, welcome to my third instalment of my Gamer's Wardrobe collection - this week I present to you a shirt I made myself on Zazzle.co.uk - which is an awesome site, reasonably priced, lots of customisation options and of course, is British, so it operates in ££££s and ships to the UK without having a fanny fit about it. :)

I'd seen a shirt similar to this online before; and I wanted it. But there were two problems: 1) It was £17, and 2) The font style was fucking Times New Roman - WTF? So I used Zazzle.com to make my own:

(Please to be ignoring my awful red-eye and the poster of naked ladies behind me. :P)
This shirt cost me around £13 and I got it within like 5 days of ordering it. If you want something on a shirt but they don't sell it in a shop - use Zazzle. :)
Of course I'm a huge Final Fantasy VII fan (in both senses of the word) - so I had to have this t-shirt. Not only is it true, but it sparks numerous conversations with other gamers, i.e.:
Dude: "Isn't it AerITH?"
Me: "It is if you're American."
Dude: "Touché."


The Walking Dead: My 400 Days DLC Choices!

Episode Selection:


Here we are, my last blog in my series of The Walking Dead choices (that is, until TellTale Games bring out the series 2 episodes) - the choices I made during the somewhat unrelated-to-the-main-story DLC episode "400 Days". Like before, there will be massive SPOILERS.

Despite 400 Days not fitting in with the other 5 episodes I'd just finished (I was expecting an epilogue-style episode), I actually quite liked each chapter being about one specific character. I'd say about half of them were twats and the other half were the type of people I personally would like to spend a zombie apocalypse with.

This is a screenshot of my results from 400 Days:
During 400 Days, I found I was in the majority for 1 of the 5 choices, the minority for 3 of the 5 choices and a complete 50/50 result for Wyatt's chapter.

Shot Danny's foot: Danny was a fucking RAPIST. I don't get why I'm in the minority for this choice. People would rather save a rapist than a thief?  Are you people fucking RETARDED? He RAPED A MINOR. He deserves worse than having his foot shot off! I bet the reason I'm in the minority here is that the camera started out by pointing at Justin and you twats were too lazy to move your control stick!

Stayed in the car: I needed to win Rock-Paper-Scissors for the achievement. It amuses me that the choice here is a straight 50/50 - that means half of the Xbox 360 players don't have the achievement. :P

Left Nate: Yeah, like I was going to kill old people for no reason. What a tosser.

Honest with Leland: You've probably noticed a trend with the honesty stuff. Besides, it was an accident, give people some goddamn slack.

Killed Stephanie: I went with what Becca wanted. I didn't want to risk getting killed by escaping.

After I got the results for the standard 5 choices, I also found out who stayed at the camp and who went to the refuge: Only Russell stayed at the camp - Fuck knows why. He was my least favourite of the 5 anyway, I hope he gets eaten alive. What, so you stay at a camp and get eaten because I wouldn't let you shoot some old people? Prick hole.

Episode Selection:



The Walking Dead: My Episode 5 Choices!

Episode Selection:


Here we are, the final episode of the main storyline, only the results from the DLC 400 Days episode left to talk about - let's look at the choices I made during Episode 5 of The Walking Dead game on XBLA. Like before, there will be massive SPOILERS.

This episode was full of nice gory bits and some seriously stomach and arse-clenching moments, which may have reduced some players to manly tears.

This is a screenshot of my results from Episode 5:
This time I found I was in the majority for 4 out of 5 choices, with the exception of choice 3; which is the widest gap I found, with 19% to 81%.

Removed Lee's arm: I thought it would help. I didn't think it would stop Lee from turning, but I thought he might live longer or live his last hours more comfortably, minus an arm. Besides, I like to see some gore. :)

Lost temper: Kenny was seriously starting to get on my tits, he needed someone to put him in his place. I would have loved to keep him down that hole and cover it up with boards so he couldn't get out.

Gave up weapons: I assumed if I disarmed, the stranger would trust me more and would be less likely to shoot me or hurt Clementine. I noticed that I was in a very small of percentage of people who think like this however... Gamers are stupid. :P

Killed Clentine's captor: I was trying kill him, but I fucked up the quicktime event, so Clementine did it herself.

Stopped Lee from turning: I just did the same thing I'd been doing through the game - if someone was going to turn, kill them before they do. Clementine is fucking hardcore.

Episode Selection:



The Walking Dead: My Episode 4 Choices!

Episode Selection:


Only two more episodes left to go after this one - let's look at the choices I made during Episode 4 of The Walking Dead game on XBLA. Like before, there will be massive SPOILERS.

With this episode came the addition of the new character of Molly - who I honestly couldn't make my mind up about. She was a total bitch, yet she was cool. After the big reveal on the video cassette in the nurse's office however, I suppose I felt some sympathy for her. I was also relieved to find Chuck's carcass in the sewer; he was starting to get on my nerves.

This is a screenshot of my results from Episode 4:
This time I found I was in the majority for 4 out of the 5 choices... Nooo, I like to be different. :P

Killed the boy in the attic: Again, this comes down to my psychotic hatred for children, even zombie children. Most games with children in them don't allow you to kill them - when the chance to do so arises, I go for it.

Honest with Vernon: I've tended to be honest throughout the game, I didn't see any point in lying to him. Besides, he's a doctor, you never know when a doctor will come in handy.

Took Clementine to Crawford: I didn't want to leave her behind, she's my babe. :)

Killed Ben: I liked Ben at first but as soon as he revealed it was him who was working with the bandits, I couldn't press B quick enough. The prick deserved it for what ended up happening to my babe Carley.

Revealed the bite: Again with honesty - I also thought I'd get some sympathy from the group.

After the results screen, I also got the screen of who ended up coming with me, which was: Lee, Omid, Christa & Kenny - though I wished I could have dropped Kenny down the belfry as well...

Episode Selection:



The Walking Dead: My Episode 3 Choices!

Episode Selection:

[Episode 1] [Episode 2] [Episode 3] 

We're at the halfway point now; let's look at the choices I made during Episode 3 of The Walking Dead game on XBLA. Like before, there will be massive SPOILERS.

Throughout this episode, Kenny was pissing me off more and more - everything I wanted to do, he disagreed with. God only knows how much he would have whinged on if I HADN'T agreed to bludgeon Larry to death with the saltlick in the meat locker.

This is a screenshot of my results from Episode 3:
 This time I found that I was in the minority for 2 out of 5 choices... Hrrrm...

Shoot the girl in the street: I grew to dislike Kenny immensely, so I did what Lee himself wanted to do. Quite often I pay attention to internal monologues and the player character's needs and wants. Unless they're an arse, of course.

Abandon Lily: I loved Carley, I hated Lily. She deserved to be left behind and eaten alive by the walkers. Bitch, that's what you get for shooting my babe. ¬_¬

Fight Kenny: I assumed you had to - when I see a quicktime event, I've learned not to ignore them. Given the choice I would have done anyway, because Kenny is a dick.

Shoot Duck: Now my reasoning for this is probably different to the other 81% of people. They probably did it because they thought it was the right thing to do - I did it because I hated that fucking kid. The first time shooting him was mentioned I hit that A button so fucking fast.

Help Omid: He was the first one to come into my line of sight, I didn't think anything of it. Again, given the choice I would have picked him anyway because Christa was giving me total bitch vibes.

Episode Selection:

[Episode 1] [Episode 2] [Episode 3] 


The Walking Dead: My Episode 2 Choices!

Episode Selection:

[Episode 1] [Episode 2] [Episode 3] 

Here we are again, let us take a look at the choices I made during Episode 2 of The Walking Dead game on XBLA. Like before, there will be massive SPOILERS.

Following Episode 1, I tried to make friendly choices with Clementine, Kat and Carley and treated Larry, Duck, Kenny and Lilly like shit, because they are massive TWATS. Upon the start, I noticed a new character, Mark had joined Lee, and I really liked him too.

As well as the five standard choices, we also had to distribute four pieces of food amongst ten people - here are who I chose:

Clementine: Because she's a babe.
Ben: Because he needed to get over the trauma of seeing the bear trap incident.
Mark: Because he trusts me and hunts with me.
Me: Because I'm a babe too.

I wanted to give some to Kat because she was working hard, but she didn't want it. Wanted to give some to Carley, but she didn't want it. I hate Duck and Larry is a twat so those two were my last choices.

This is a screenshot of my results from Episode 2:
This time I found that I was in the minority for 3 out of 5 of the choices.

Chopped David's leg off: It's key survival tactics. I'm guessing a lot of people tried to cut off his leg but didn't manage to perform the full four chops.

Didn't shoot Jolene: I wanted to hear what she had to say. She was telling me important stuff then that Danny wanker had to go and spoil it all.

Killed Larry: He was a total prick, killing him felt so good.

Killed both St. John brothers: Motherfuckers got what was coming to them. I only got to spend time with Mark for one episode because of those bastards and their mother.

Stole food: Fucking duh. I can't believe 49% DIDN'T. No matter what decisions I made, Clementine would still like me anyway, so upsetting her once wouldn't make any difference. As for stealing food, I'm the sort of person who hoards the entire food stockpile of Nevada in Fallout: New Vegas and keeps it in my Mary-Poppins-Handbag fridge while everyone in New Vegas Square and Freeside are going hungry. Mwah.

Episode Selection:

[Episode 1] [Episode 2] [Episode 3] 


The Walking Dead: My Episode 1 Choices!

Episode Selection:

[Episode 1] [Episode 2] [Episode 3] 

I've recently completed The Walking Dead Xbox Live Arcade game. I bought all of the episodes for half price during an awesome sale and as soon as I started playing, I finished it in about 2 and a half days (I started it at like midnight on a Saturday, played more on the Sunday night and finished the last two episodes and DLC episode on the Monday) - and I loved it. It was something different - I've always liked point-and-click adventure games, but not actually played many of them.

I noticed that on the Xbox360Achievements.org forums, many players were discussing the choices they made throughout the game (If you've played it, you'll know that every choice you make affects the storyline to an extent) so here I'm going to discuss the choices I made and the reasons why I made them.

First off, if you've never played The Walking Dead and intend to in the future - DO NOT READ ON. There will be massive SPOILERS.

OK, first off, I hate kids. I really fucking hate kids. I especially hate them in the vast majority of games where you're not allowed to kill them. I've actually played games where it was considered OK to kill elderly and disabled people, but not children? What the actual fuck. So yes, if there were any choices involving children, I was going to make life difficult for the little cunts.

However, like many people, I fell in love with the character Clementine. Despite being 9 years old, she was an intelligent and resourceful kid - fucking living on her own in a treehouse during a zombie apocalypse! Every opportunity to help her, feed her or generally speak to her, I took. Unlike Duck, she wasn't an annoying little shit either...

This is a screenshot of my results from Episode 1:
I found that while the results are relatively equal for both choices, I was in the minority side for 4 out of the 5 possible choices.

Lied to Hershel: I tend to tell the truth in video games, I've found that it most often leads to rewards and positive results. One example is Final Fantasy VII - in Mideel, telling the truth to the residents allows you to keep items without resentment and also completes the Cursed Ring sidequest. In games like Fallout, I find telling the truth often helps you to maintain good karma and reputations with people.

(Tried to) Save Shawn: It was the fucking kid's fault Shawn was stuck under the tractor in the first place - Shawn was mint, I wish the little cunt on the tractor could have died instead! When Shawn died anyway, it launched my psychotic hatred towards Duck. Never again would I be civil to him.

Sided with Larry:  See above. Duck was a stupid cunt who deserved to be thrown to the walkers outside. Following this though, I also realised that Larry is a total twat as well...

Gave her the gun: She wanted to put herself out of her misery, it's only right. To an extent, I support euthanasia.

Saved Carley: She was the most useful out of the two, wasn't a headcase and knew how to handle herself. (i.e., she had a fucking gun!) She also seemed pretty chilled out about Lee's past...

Episode Selection:

[Episode 1] [Episode 2] [Episode 3] 