I am Mog Anarchy, and I like to play games. Whether they are old, new, retro, modern, online, offline, console, computer, critically acclaimed or notoriously bad. Here on my blog, I rant about, review, trash talk, praise and generally talk about all of my favourite and least-favourite games. I also write my own guides on how to accomplish tricky tasks, show off my creative endeavors and challenge myself with crazy in-game tasks. I also have a bunch of gaming merchandise which I am glad to show off. So drop me a comment, I love hearing your questions, criticisms, comments and general gaming discussions. :)


Kindergarten Guide - Buggs' Storyline

This is a little guide for the Steam title Kindergarten - it's a great little puzzle/logic/interactive story game, costs only £3.99 and will keep you entertained and scratching your head for hours. Many of the puzzles and characters' storylines require strict timing and succession of events - and I recommend you try your hardest to figure out the puzzles on your own before consulting my guide below.

With that being said, if you're pulling your hair out - here's the guide. Obviously, it contains SPOILERS.

(Click on the screenshots to enlarge them!)


Before school starts:
  • Withdraw at least $3.10 from your piggy bank. You will need to start a fight with Buggs, so ensure you have over $3.00.
  • Take the lunch pass from your shelf. (You must've first completed Ms. Applegate's storyline for this to become available.)

  • Buggs will try to steal your money - accept his threat and give him half.

  • Speak to Ms. Applegate and tell on Buggs. She will encourage you to start a fight with him then call for her help once he starts beating you up. Refuse. 
  • Talk to Nugget until the option to ask about Billy comes up. Keep pressing him for information until you are sent to the Principal's office.
  • In the Principal's office, admit to feeling sad about Billy. He will give you one of Nugget's special pills.
  • Once you get back to the classroom, Ms. Applegate will offer to buy the pill from you for a dollar. Agree.

Morning time:
  • Buggs will call you over and offer a partnership in which you will work together to murder Ms. Applegate. Agree to help him.

  • Show Buggs your lunch pass as your method of getting Ms. Applegate alone.
  • Go to Nugget's cubby and steal the nugget. (Don't worry, Ms. Applegate is too high on pills to notice you stealing this time.)
  • Go to Jerome's cubby and steal the explosive device.
  • Talk to Monty about arranging a distraction, then give him the explosive device. He will rig it up with a remote control.
  • Show the device to Buggs, who will instruct you to stick it under a table.
  • Stick it under the table at the top of the room where Lily and Jerome are sitting.

  • At the start of lunch time, use your lunch pass to have lunch with Ms. Applegate.

  • As she instructs you to take a bite from your (poisoned) Silly Meal, activate the distraction. The sound of the explosion will cause her to turn her back to you.
  • While her back is turned, plunge Buggs' knife into her spine.

  • Talk to Buggs, who will order you to find a hiding place for the murder weapon, the knife.
  •  Talk to Nugget and ask him if you can "contribute" a knife to the Nugget Cave.
  • Remind Nugget that you two are friends by showing him your "Nugget of Friendship." Nugget will agree to let you dispose of the knife.

Show & Tell:
  • As the Principal calls Buggs over, he will slip you Ms. Applegate's phone secretly. At the end of the day, he allows you to keep it.